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of the future
will be shaped by

Innovation Knowledge

Nowadays, innovation is essential for everyone and every company. That’s why the next year of your life will be all about innovation. Just like every day after that. Because MBI is not only a class you do and go away. It is a mindset, a new network level, and your next reference bar of leadership in business.


Innovation Certification

Many executives are self-nominating and acting as innovation experts without graduating from it. Others are losing opportunities because they don’t have innovation in their resumes. It is a world with a lack of innovation professionals. And the MBI certificate gives you a head start to fulfill the new market needs and roles. Additionally, certificates from partner institutions and extra modules might be offered (such as Cornell SC Johnson in Innovation, Bekeley-Haas in Entrepreneurship, Disney Institute in Leadership Excellence, and Cornell SHA in Hospitality).

Innovation Mentoring

Entrepreneurs need constant guidance and support. And companies are either starting new teams or concerned about their present innovation efforts and their executives' skills. The MBI's master-level mentoring means professionals from all over the globe, academics, and entrepreneurs, serving you and your project for the best results. At the end of the 12 months, you shall have your own fully tuned startup or spin-off.


MBI Program

Your Master Business graduation, with Generative AI and ML, 3D/Food Printing, NFT/dNFT, Crypto, Blockchain, Open Banking, Social Media, Storytelling, Metaverse, AR/VR/MR/Extended-R, Smart Cities, EVs/HidroVs, Quantum Computing, Space Economy, Lidar, Robotics-RPA and Smart Devices, IoT, Future Leadership, Tech Ethics, Inno Law, Open Innovation, Datafication, Crowdfunding, Cyber Security, Genomics, and more.

MBI + Hospitality

Following the request for an on-demand innovation program for hospitality professionals, MBI is offering this customized class, in partnership with Cornell SHA. Learn about space hotels, food printing, new media and technologies, housing trends, leadership in hospitality, and more, all with a focus on the hosting, events, and entertainment markets.

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Professors and Mentors

To graduate, students must develop a complete Business Plan and the pitch deck to present the startup or spin-off. High-level professors and mentors will follow up (e.g., from Cornell, Stanford, UT, UCLA, Berkeley, Microsoft, Open AI, Cisco, IBM, SAP, Google, Disney, Nasa, and others). In the end of each cycle of 12 months, MBI will promote rounds of the graduation pitches to potential investors and VCs.

Classes Format

In-class + experiences (24 credits):

• 12 modules in 12 months

• 3 consecutive days per month

• THU/FRI/SAT - 8AM to 8PM


Special events online (6 credits): 

• Lectures and encounters with professionals, entrepreneurs, innovators and tech personalities.


Permanent module (6 credits):

• Startup Mentoring for Business Plan, Business Model, Pitch Deck, Opex, Capex, Valuation, Branding, Marketing, Market Research, PoC and MVP, Design Thinking, Canvas, OKR, KPIs and more.


Tuition: USD 35,000

(If you APPLY for 50% of scholarship / Full Tuition is USD 70,000 )

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Regular classes will be hosted at 4/5-star hotels in Miami, for 3 consecutive days per month/module. Some special modules and encounters might happen in different locations, like Disney Institute, Kennedy Space Center, Cornell/NY, tech companies' premises, events venues, and alternative places. MBI will inform you in advance and will organize travel and accommodation logistics in these special classes, if necessary.

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for more information about Program, Schedule, and Scholarships.

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